
HCLC Website Launch

HCLC site launch

Published On: May 11, 2020

We are excited to welcome you to our new HCLC website. This is an important part of our 10th Anniversary […]

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Statement on Human Rights and COVID-19

Human Rights & COVID-19

Published On: April 8, 2020

We are facing an unprecedented challenge. Public health officials from all levels of government have stressed the importance of physical distancing and it remains the most effective tool to protect each other from COVID-19. However, as the pandemic spreads and measures to contain it intensify, we must pay special attention to supporting those most vulnerable.

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Open Letter from more than 130 community organizations

Income Security Poster

Published On: April 8, 2020

Download this letter in PDF format. Income Security in the Time of COVID-19 Dear Minister Smith, We are an umbrella […]

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10 years of Inclusive Justice

!0 Years of Justice Poster

Published On: April 3, 2020

On April 1st, 2010, Hamilton Community Legal Clinic began operations after amalgamating Dundurn Community Legal Services, Hamilton Mountain Legal and Community Services and McQuesten Community Legal Services. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years serving Hamilton as one clinic!

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Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Chiefs

Published On: March 2, 2020

HCLC stands in solidarity with Indigenous peoples to make decisions about their lands, calls upon governments to adhere to the rule of law and condemns rising hate towards Indigenous peoples.

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